There must be a one that lets you get rid of Dogmeat for a while? I thought of trapping him behind a closed door but each time you access a new map he teleports with you. The game has millions of bugs and exploits. Of course you can't just tell him to stop following you. I saved and shot Dogmeat in the head, go up there's no problem. While this canine companion can seem like a forgettable character to some, his history and inspiration are actually quite informative of the genre as a whole. I just checked, going up two floors with my robes, no weapon in sight and the symbol I get attacked. Whether you're talking about Dogmeat from Fallout 1 and 2, or the homage character in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, the dog is a fan favorite. I didn't think Dogmeat would be a problem (what's so suspcious about a dog?). I know that if anybody sees me with a companion I'll be attacked so I have left my crew at the Hub.

Due to so weird bug I couldn't get the Children's symbol legitimately so I murdered the shop keeper and everyone on the ground floor to get a robe. I'm at the Cathedral, I've got all the info and I feel just about ready to take out the Master.